Sunday, July 6, 2014

#70Days Warm Up Routine Response Sheet!


I've been working on a "Warm-Up" response sheet.  Classes meet every other day, so I only need 12 warm-ups in a six weeks.  I imagine I'll change this up each six weeks - especially after I try it out.  But this is the plan today!

Students will get one page of the handout every two weeks.  I'll collect the handout at the end of 2 weeks.

When students enter the classroom the expectation will be to finish the assigned warm-up in 5 minutes.  On days where a website is needed, it will be projected on the screen.

Other websites I want to use include Don Steward's Median, Daily Desmos, Five Triangles, Yummy Math and Math Munch!

I welcome your ideas ... routine warm-ups are a challenge for me!


  1. I'm loving the style/layout of your warm-up handout! Great idea!

    1. Thanks, Sarah! I was inspired by a post from last fall by @algebrainiac1. I'm hoping this will help me stick with a routine!

  2. I love that you included the self-assessment about your effort for the week! Great idea to have the thumbs up, down, and middle! :)

    1. Thank you, Kathryn! I want to be more intentional about students identifying their effort this coming year!

  3. I like having the students figure out what percent error they have...that is a great idea. Nice job.

    1. Thanks. The Estimation 180 site has a great worksheet for students to use to keep record of their guesses, find their percent error, etc. I'd love to claim credit - but the ideas are from algebraniac1 and the various sites I used!
