In our PLC, our typical planning cycle follows these steps:
- Review the curriculum guide to determine what standards in the unit
- Create the unit test; evaluate the test to determine how the standards are addressed
- Assign the tasks of creating a B version of the test, a retake version, and common formative assessments.
- Divde the unit into teaching days; create lesson plans with activities for those days; share the plans; discuss instructional strategies
- Teach the unit; compare results on assessments

This is also where my goal for this year to develop and promote student curiosity comes in. I want to take time for noticing and wondering. I want to post rich, worthwhile problems. I want to ask better questions. I also want to talk less ... so my students are doing the work. If I change any of the activities, I share my ideas with our PLC.
After I make my adjustments, I create a teaching outline (my version of a lesson plan). I estimate how much time I want to spend on each section. I post the outline on the board as our agenda for the day.
As I think about the outline, I consider these steps:
- Enroll ... an invitation to learn
- Experience ... an activity that introduces the concept before "teaching" the details
- Label ... these are notes with examples
- Demonstrate ... students demonstrate that they understand the concepts labeled
- Review ... often brief, what did we learn today; or possibly a short review from the day before ... sometimes at the beginning of class; sometimes in the middle or end
- Celebrate ... this is not really last ... it happens throughout the lesson ... and occurs during formative assessment activities ... celebrating students' success
I am also considering how technology can enhance or transform my lesson. We have a one-to-one initiative and so the use of laptops are encouraged. This year I am introducing Desmos to my students. Before the laptops were distributed, I was demonstrating with Desmos ... the administrator that walked through that day liked it :) Desmos is a powerful tool ... I hope to learn more about using it!
I value planning! The more I read, study, think about planning the better! I often put together lessons, then revise, revise, revise! In truth, I find it difficult to turn off the planning thoughts! How about you??
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