5 Tips For Differentiating
Choice! We
all enjoy having a choice in our work!
Consider giving students
options for how they practice their math – worksheet, whiteboard, computerized
math, partners, alone. Also look for
options for students to show you that they have mastered content. Can they do the five most difficult
problems? Can they create their own
examples to fit specific parameters?
Could they write a letter or blog post or make a video explaining a
Make the work brain-friendly!

how students are grouped in class!

rich problems with multiple entry points!
Rich problems are non-routine in that they are not typical
practice of a skill or algorithm; they have little scaffolding; and students of
varying skill levels can benefit from them. Rich Problems have
natural extensions - one question leads to another. They are difficult and
interesting at the same time. Rich
Problems are revealing! They give insight to teachers about
students' understanding. They help students experience the essence of
mathematics. A few places to find rich problems besides the Twitter math
community include:
Attend to the
learning environment!

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