Sunday, August 3, 2014

#70Days Sparking mathematical discourse

I have a tendency to frequent the same Half Price Books.  So today we drove northeast to visit a different store.  I love HPB ... each one has it's own personality, it's own special collection of books!
Today I found this book ... and at first I dismissed it totally - I don't need another worksheet book.  But I decided to take a look inside.  I was pleasantly surprised to find activities that require some thought and often have more than one right answer.  I can see using these activities to promote mathematical discourse.

Here is one example. Three of these expressions have something in common. The other one differs from the others in some way. Which one does not belong?  Give a reason!  Several answers may be possible but for different reasons. Can you find more than one possible choice?

Here is another example from that same chapter. In this second example, I am expecting most students to choose "d."  I'll be challenging them to find a different choice! 

There are at least 8 different sets of puzzles in the book. Several will inspire good conversation!  Can't wait to try it out!

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