How can you phrase questions to engage all students in participating in class? Here are five ideas ...

Be specific about waiting: "Don't raise your hand; I want everyone to have time to think about this! Be ready to explain your process in 57 seconds ... setting the timer now for think time!"
Choose a few students to share their work: "Take a minute to visualize this problem. Can you write or sketch a possible [solution, example, counterexample]? As I walk around the room, I'm going to select 3 students to share their work with the class."
Encourage more than one correct answer: "Create an example to support this [problem, statement, scenario] and write it down. In a minute we will share examples to see how many ways the [problem, statement, scenario] can be supported."
Encourage sharing: "Stop and jot down your thoughts on this problem. In a minute you are going to share your ideas with your partner."
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