I'm following @druinok's lead today and sharing five things that are important to me in my classroom.

The first is my Document Camera. I use it for everything, from sharing student work to creating videos for tutoring. I know it has become a common tool in classrooms but I've been in education for a LONG time! This is my first classroom with a document camera!
I also slip assignments in them for warm-ups, short activities, and students and write/wipe-off as they work. That way I don't have to make more than a class set of copies.

Speaking of copies, I love the Table situated at the door of my classroom. You can see that on the day I took this picture there were way too many copies! I want to change that dramatically this year! I've begun to think about how we can do more work on our computers, more work in students' notebooks. But the table by the door provides the perfect place putting all the supplies students need. Students grab what they need as they come in!

I mentioned the individual sleeves. Last year I received
Group Whiteboards through Donors Choose. The students loved working on them. They liked sitting on the floor, using colors, and working together!

Last, I love Magnets! I love that my whiteboards and chalkboards (yes I had both!) were magnetic! I used magnets to post charts, and most often to post the keys to whatever we were working on at the time. My only rule was to leave the pencil behind when you went to the board to check your answers. Most students were not interested in just copying them but a few would chance it if they thought I wasn't watching.
I love reading what others value! @druinok mentioned cups and acrylic frames! I just picked those up last week! Can't wait to use them! @Radical_Robin mentioned a shoe bag for calculators! I need one that will house 30 graphing calculators! I'm keeping my eyes peeled! @RoxyGirlTeacher says she values her chart markers and Expo markers! Me, too! I love color ... and so do the students! I like to write our agenda on the board - each item is its own color! As teachers we like our classroom stuff! And guess what?! Soon it will be time for school sales!
What stuff do you value in your classroom?
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