Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Currently January: Happy New Year!

My husband and I have the flu!  Mine is on it's way out ... left exhaustion in its wake.  My husband's flu just got started but hopefully won't last long since he's taking Tamiflu.

So ... we are welcoming in the new year quietly ... at home ... with favorite TV shows, some reading, listening to music ...

Currently, January ...

I've been giving much thought to my word for 2015.  Right now I'm torn between two words ... "release" and "rest."  I haven't blogged in a while ... and I am contemplating taking a break from blogging for a while longer. 

Peace for the coming year!  Happy New Year!


  1. Oh, boo! to the flu! You're right about at least it hitting over break, because well, sub plans are a pain, but not a fun way to spend your time off. Hope you and the hubs are on the mend soon!!
    P.S. Love Gilmore Girls!!

  2. The flu is the worse! I hope your wishes for the new year come true!

    Happy New Year!

  3. That is terrible to have the flu on New Year's Eve :( It also isn't fair to be sick on break!!! Last winter, everyone except for me got influenza (and then pneumonia). It was terrible. I totally sympathize with you!
