Saturday, September 27, 2014

#MTBoSChallenge: Week 7 Goals

My BIG goal for October is to re-establish balance!  I'm drowning ... mostly under paperwork.  Time to figure this out.

You've probably seen that graph for new teachers ... here it is ... I am NOT a new teacher ... in fact ... I've been at this a LOT of years!  I have continued because I absolutely love teaching ... love my students, love the content ... and I think I'm still useful.  But I am definitely experiencing the survival slide!  I don't want to land in the pool of disillusionment!

So here I am ... October goals ... reestablishing balance.  Taking walks, reading, thinking, praying, singing, gardening  ... taking some time each day for things that feed my soul ... it will make me a better teacher!

That's my ONE BIG goal.

My goals for my classroom ... well I'm working on verbalizing those ... and determining how best to monitor them.

I have too many goals:   
  1. Develop students’ metacognition by asking them to reflect on their work regularly.
  2. Make thinking more visible ... asking students to explain their work in words and illustrations.
  3. Develop students’ ability to think critically and creatively by the questions I ask.
  4. Engage students in rich worthwhile tasks balanced well with routine practice. Inherent in this goal is to use technology to modify and redefine learning at a higher level.
  5. Open students’ understanding that math is so much more than the typical work found in a textbook by offering opportunities to explore math outside of the TEKS.
In October I want to figure out a good way to reflect on these goals and to monitor them.


  1. Balance is such a hard thing to find with the unrealistic demands of teaching these days. I have made a great effort to spend less extra hours in my classroom after school and spend those with my family instead, but I am swamped during the school day trying to get everything done. Good luck finding the ever elusive balance.

  2. Goal number 4 resonates with me. Finding that balance between rich tasks and skills practice is hard. I know I much prefer when my class works on 3Act tasks, estimation180 exercises, visual patterns and projects. At the same time, I know there are so many skills I need my students to learn about and/or master before they move on to their next math class. Finding the right balance is something I am always working on. Good luck!
