Saturday, September 20, 2014

#MTBoSChallenge Week 6 Just a few of my faves!

The prompt for this week is to blog about a favorite math related links, blogs, or websites. 

I decided to blog about the websites we've used in class since school started:

I used Edmodo to ask students to give me feedback about using videos for homework to prep for the upcoming lessons - a new feature I'm trying this year.  In the past few weeks students have watched video lessons via Edpuzzle and Youtube for the specific purpose to preview the next class' lesson.   Most students said that they like that feature in our class.

Recently I used Padlet to ask students how they study for math tests so that we could talk about good study techniques. Padlet is a "wall" of virtual sticky notes.  Everyone could see the comments made by classmates as we noted ways to study. We used the notes to talk about how to study for their upcoming test!

Recently we also used a class activity called Central Park created by  The online activity was particularly engaging.  It provided information about my students' ability to translate a problem situation into an equation, a skill in the unit we just began.

I asked students to do their homework on Desmos the other night.  They had a few systems word problems to dissect.  I asked them to enter their equations, and the solutions in Desmos.  They sent me their links through a Google Form - another favorite online app.

Our last homework assignment was done through Interact Math.  We don't have a Pearson account but the free textbooks make for easy homework assignments.  The site is particularly  nice because it gives students help if they need it to work through the given problems.  

On Friday students worked on the Cash Box problem from Illustrative Mathematics.  The problem is a great systems problem because it requires extra thought.  Students are in charge of the cash box at a dance.  As they pack up for the evening, they notice a dollar bill on the floor.  The question to solve does the dollar bill belong in the cash box, or was it just dropped by accident.

There are so many more sites I could name ... these are just a few for the past few weeks.  In addition, Twitter and my blogging friends are essential to my planning!  They are just too numerous to name!

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