Sunday, September 14, 2014

#MTBoSChallenge: Week 5 Summary

My summary for this week ... 

1 Great Discussion:  

Odd One Out using our parent functions ... activity here and here.  We had fun with this conversation ... and students will be ready for their compare/contrast questions on the test tomorrow!  Students found these ideas:

  1. The quadratic function because it is the only one symmetrical about the y-axis.
  2. The exponential function because it is the only one with an asymptote.
  3. The exponential function because it is the only one that does not pass through the origin.
  4. The linear function because it is the only one with an unrestricted range.
  5. The linear function because is the only "straight" line.
  6. The linear function because it is the only one that can be found in the third quadrant.
  7. The square root function because it is the only one that is only found in the first quadrant.
  8. The square root function because it is the only one with a restrict domain.
2 Good activities this week: 

We did stations to review for the test coming tomorrow. 
  • I grouped the desks in groups of six ... to have five groups in the room.
  • I used to create the goups.
  • I used acrylic frames ... one task in each frame.
  • Students had one answer sheet they carried from group to group.
  • We reviewed transformations, regression equations from data, function notation, domain and range as well as vocabulary.
  • Groups were instructed to help one another ... the room buzzed with the happy talk of students working together!
One set of classes had a little extra time due to the way our blocked classes fell.  I used the extra time to explore Desmos' Central Park with students.  Students were thoroughly engaged in the activity!  And it provided a good preview to our next unit in translating problem situations into equations!

3 Things I'm looking forward to this week!
  • Students take their first test this week.  I'm eager to see how they do!  The first test has the potential to cause some anxiety!
  • We start systems of equations with a heavy emphasis on problem solving.  I'm using the Tortoise, Hare and Rat as the opener!  I also plan to use Mathalicious Flicks.
  • Students are going to do their first homework assignment on Desmos this week!  I look forward to teaching them how to do that! (They've seen me model work on Desmos!)


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