Today I met a new teacher at our school. I have the privilege of mentoring her. I look forward to learning from her.
We spent just a couple of hours with the admin and all the new teachers at our school. There must have been about 50 teachers - half new, half mentors.
And then the long-awaited distribution of keys with room assignments.
I have the BEST teaching assignment this year ... one prep ... 6 classes TAG/PAP Algebra 2.
I have a decent schedule ... On A Days I have last period prep! On B Days I have 3rd period prep (only 4 periods in a day).
I started on my room. I'm still not in love with it ... but trying my best to get over the complaining. Today I discovered none of the boards in the room are magnetic. That was a big disappointment. I love magnets!

I did cover the three boards in the room with fabric today and it helps a lot! Here is just one picture (work still in progress - more pictures soon). Evidently this is a homemade board - from previous owner of the room and it's almost 5 feet square. I plan to post cute stick figure functions on it thanks to Sarah and OKMath. The yellow section at the bottom is for the caption. I need some really cute lettering!
I used the same material to cover the other two smaller bulletin boards in the room to help tie the color scheme together. I'll be using yellow, green, and turquoise as the accent colors.
I have lots of storage in the room ... and for that I'm grateful. Today I started thinking about how I want the flow of students to work, where to put supplies, and how to organize materials. I spent too much time just thinking!
Tomorrow is our official first day back. I see on our agenda we will be spending about 3 hours talking about how to give effective feedback to students. Since this is a topic of interest I'll be all ears! I do wish those three hours were not from 1 to 4 on a Friday afternoon.
Looks like it will be Saturday before I get back into my classroom to continue the work there!
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