Sunday, July 13, 2014

#70Days Using Card Sorts in Class!

I like to use card sorts in my math classroom. I've been working on various sets. One popular set I created is for identifying the difference between linear and nonlinear functions. The card sort has 20 cards - 12 equations and 8 tables. Get the link below to the set of cards!

When I use card sorts, I don't always tell students the categories I'm looking for.  I might tell them how many categories I want them to create. Keeping the categories open allows for a rich discussion about what they see on the cards, and how they choose to sort them. It allows students to show off their understanding of math vocabulary and to make connections that I might not have thought of.

A card sort can be used at several different levels. It can be used as a discovery activity, a pre-test, and a post-test. The sort can be used as both a formative and a summative activity. The card sort works well if you use math stations. Students can work on the card sorts individually or in pairs. Sorts can be glued into notebooks, or checked as they are completed on the desk.

After sorting the cards, I like to ask students to create another set of cards - for each category. In creating their own set, they demonstrate understanding of the concepts. You can use student create cards for additional practice during the unit!

Check out the card sort ... it's free ... try it and let me know how it works for you!
On my Google Drive

Here are a few other card sort activities found online:
Functions and EveryDay Situations
Function ... Not a Function
Algebra Function Matching Cards (Table, Domain, Range, Graph, Mapping)
Representing Polynomials
End Behavior cards
Parabola Match Up Activity
Quadratic Equations Conceptual Card Sort

PS ... How would you use this card sort?  What cards would you add?  What concepts work well as a sorting activity?

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