Monday, December 26, 2022

Beginnings - The HOOK!

Brian Sztabnik is a highly recognized AP English Teacher. Here’s his quote about the first and last eight minutes of class:

That is the crux of lesson planning right there—endings and beginnings. If we fail to engage students at the start, we may never get them back. If we don’t know the end result, we risk moving haphazardly from one activity to the next. Every moment in a lesson plan should tell.

The eight minutes that matter most are the beginning and endings. If a lesson does not start off strong by activating prior knowledge, creating anticipation, or establishing goals, student interest wanes, and you have to do some heavy lifting to get them back. If it fails to check for understanding, you will never know if the lesson’s goal was attained.**


How do you engage or HOOK students in the first few minutes of class? One of my favorite ways was to use videos ... visual stimuli attract students' attention. Several years ago, I compiled a list of favorite Youtube videos that worked for my Algebra 2 curriculum.  You can access the file here.

You'll notice certain sources are repeated!  Check out these sources for videos that fit your curriculum:

Ted Ed
Vi Hart

Do you have a video that inspires students in math class?  If so, share the title/link in the comments!

And if you are looking for even more ideas ... check out these resources for hook strategies!

**(Sztabnik, B. (2015, May 1). The 8 Minutes That Matter Most. Edutopia.  

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