Saturday, December 8, 2012


Sunday FunDayI've mentioned before that while I am a veteran educator I've been out of the classroom for several years.  In past years I would have had one project each six weeks.  This time around I can't seem to fit that in.  I am used to having more professional leeway in how and when to teach topics than I have now.  Our district has a curriculum guide and a calendar that says a topic can be given so many days.  Our school expects all algebra teachers to be on the same topic (can teach that topic how we want) and test on the same day.  I'm not used to quite so much structure.

So I'm reaching back to what I would have done ... and would like to try again.  I can remember a few years back my Algebra 2 students wrote creative stories and poems with vocabulary.  Somewhere I still have a couple of examples ... wish I could find them for you now.

I especially like "mini-projects" that can be done in a short period of time.  Here are 2 examples of mini-projects that I would have had students complete in the units on Slope as Rate of Change and Linear Equations.

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As we get ready to study systems of equations in January, a simple mini-project might be to analyze cost, profit, and decision making in a business venture.

I'm curious if others involve students in mini-projects.  Involving students in mini-projects helps to put the learning in students' hands and gives them an outlet for creativity in math.

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