Monday, December 31, 2012

file folder mini projects

I haven't done any projects this year ... many reasons why ... but it's time now to offer my students an opportunity to show me what they know in some other way than our usual tests.

My students need choices!  I'm hoping they will get excited about these four mini-projects!  Students need to choose only one.  One project is a review of graphing; a second project combines problem solving with graphing; a third combines art design with graphing; and the fourth invites students to write creatively.

Students will complete their work (maximum 2 pages) and affix their work inside file folders.  (I might choose to use 12 x 18 construction paper instead of file folders).

If you are interested in seeing the projects, post a comment.  I'll email them.  I created two of them; one I found online and made a few revisions.  The fourth one I borrowed from Amy.


  1. Great idea! I want do something similar for our upcoming ratios/proportions unit (6th grade). I need a variety of tasks specific to that concept; if you stumble upon anything, please let me know!

  2. instillnessthedancingJanuary 1, 2013 at 7:43 AM

    I'll let you know if I find any! Thank you for stopping by!

    In the past with ratios/proportions I've connected with literature ... Stuart Little, Alice in Wonderland, etc ... had students design furniture/clothing, etc.

  3. I'm interested in seeing your projects!

    1. Hi Pam ... please send me your email address to educator dot ch at gmail dot com so that I can send the pdf files.
